The newest song added to Beautiful Flame's repertoire will be poster here as soon as it is completed, as well as the
date of completion.
Snatch II: Why Won't You Have Sex With Me?
12 December, 2004
This song was written primarily on a bus ride home, thinking about how we were learning about AIDS in Health class,
and what a great word "snatch" is. It of course does not connotate "to grab." It is told to an unnamed 2nd
person, describing and criticizing their lifestyle and then admonishing them to change it. Don't get us wrong:
We all find the particular lifestyle described in "Snatch" to be a wonderful contribution to society, and wholeheartedly encourage
The words you mom won't like:
Mound X1
Whore X1
Snatch X5
Hooker X1
Fucking X1
Uh-oh! We did a baaaaddd ting!
It's a song about a cum-bucket. How you gonna avoid those words, huh?
Beautiful Flame currently has no Albums or Recordings completed.
We have a few completed songs, and literally dozens more are near completion.
Or song repertoire:
Friends With Benefits
(I Wanna Live) Your Life
Snatch II: Why Won't You Have Sex With Me
How To Live Forever (Above You)
Man of Hatreds
Hate Graph
Baby's Fault
From Here